Our Story

SWNAM Wellness Club founded in August 2011 by Mr. S. K. Singh due to a special reason.

Mr Singh used to be busy in his daily work regardless of his health. His lifestyle and diet had gone haywire. This led to many health problems i.e., weight gain, slip disc, knee pain, high uric acid, low energy level, short temper and irritated all the time.

His wife also gained weight and suffered from all over weight related problems.

At this time, he was advised to change his food habits, lifestyle and work on his overall health. Working on this advice, he started doing exercises, walking, improved his lifestyle, added balance nutrition to his diet and wife. Soon he noticed great improvement in his health condition and so did his wife. He lost 12 kgs in three months and his wife lost 30 kgs in nine months.

Getting such good results and having gained so much of knowledge he decided to share it with others and help them also to gain good health goals. Many people having gained good health and are leading a happy healthy life today.

SWNAM Wellness Club teaches the interested members how to coach others to good health goals and earn a living bettering their financial conditions.